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Welcome to your ultimate guide on leveraging the power of both FTMO and Forex92 EA to succeed in forex trading. Are you an aspiring trader looking to break into the forex market but are unsure where to start? Or perhaps you’re an experienced trader looking for ways to elevate your game? Either way, this article has got you covered!


What is FTMO?

FTMO is a proprietary trading firm that offers traders the opportunity to manage capital and earn a share of the profits. What sets FTMO apart from other prop trading firms is its unique challenge. The FTMO Challenge allows traders to demonstrate their skills in a simulated environment before giving them access to real capital. Successfully pass the challenge, and you could manage an account up to $200,000!

What is Forex92 EA?

Forex92 EA is an Expert Advisor designed for the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 platforms. This algorithmic trading solution aims to take the guesswork out of forex trading by automating trades based on a variety of signals and strategies. It's your 24/7 trading assistant, monitoring the markets and executing trades even while you sleep.

Why Read this Guide Carefully?

The objective of this page is straightforward: to provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to maximize your trading opportunities by combining the power of FTMO and Forex92 EA. Whether it's understanding how to pass the FTMO Challenge or how to set up and use Forex92 EA for optimum results, we aim to guide you every step of the way.

Exclusive Offer: Free Forex92 EA!

And here's the best part! For those who join FTMO using our exclusive affiliate link, we're offering a free download of the Forex92 EA. That's right! You get to use this state-of-the-art Expert Advisor, which usually retails for hundreds of dollars, absolutely free!Stay with us as we dive deeper into the world of proprietary forex trading with FTMO and automated trading with Forex92 EA. Discover tips, strategies, and an exclusive offer that you won't find anywhere else.

What is FTMO?

FTMO is not just another name in the sea of forex trading platforms; it’s a proprietary trading firm that has been changing the game for traders worldwide. With a unique business model that includes a challenge to prove your trading skills, FTMO offers traders a chance to trade with significant capital, all while mitigating risk and maximizing gains. Let’s dive into the details.


Overview of FTMO

FTMO specializes in providing traders with the necessary capital to trade on the forex market. But it's not as simple as signing up and getting started; there's a vetting process involved known as the "FTMO Challenge."


The FTMO Challenge

The FTMO Challenge is essentially a two-step evaluation process that traders must undergo to become an FTMO Trader. The challenge is designed to discover if you have what it takes to become a successful forex trader. Once you pass this challenge, you're given a funded account to manage. The challenge includes a series of objectives that traders must meet within a specified time frame, such as reaching a certain profit target while adhering to loss limits.

By incorporating this challenge, FTMO ensures that only skilled and disciplined traders gain access to their capital, thereby maintaining a high standard of trading performance across the board.

Benefits of Trading with FTMO

Now that you understand the entrance criteria, let’s talk about why you would want to trade with FTMO in the first place.



One of the most appealing aspects of trading with FTMO is the leverage they offer. High leverage allows you to open positions much larger than your original investment, amplifying both potential profits and potential losses. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and that's where FTMO's risk management strategies come in.


Risk Management

FTMO places a strong emphasis on risk management, providing its traders with various tools and educational resources to manage risks effectively. They employ maximum loss limits and offer features like the 'Profit Split,' which allows traders to share profits with the firm while limiting downside risks.


What is the FTMO Challenge Pass Rate?

FTMO is generally discreet about revealing the precise pass rate for its challenge, making it challenging to pinpoint an exact figure. However, anecdotal evidence and trader testimonials estimate the pass rate to be in the vicinity of 5-10%. This suggests that only a select group of traders, representing a small fraction of total participants, successfully navigate the challenge’s rigorous profit targets and risk management criteria.

A High Bar for Entry

It's crucial to understand that the low pass rate isn't indicative of the challenge being unfairly difficult but rather underscores the level of skill and discipline required to succeed. The FTMO Challenge is crafted to be challenging by design; it aims to sift through the vast pool of applicants to identify traders who not only possess the technical skills but also the psychological resilience and risk management prowess needed for long-term success in the volatile world of trading.

Why the Secrecy?

FTMO's decision to keep the pass rate confidential may also be strategic. By not revealing the exact figure, the firm discourages casual participation and encourages only serious, committed traders to apply. This ensures that participants approach the challenge with the level of seriousness and preparation it warrants.

The Importance of Preparedness

Given the challenge's stringent criteria and the estimated low pass rate, aspiring traders should approach the FTMO Challenge with thorough preparation. Many successful traders recommend rigorous back-testing of trading strategies, continual learning, and even mentorship as ways to increase one's odds of passing.

A Gateway to Professional Trading

Given the challenge's stringent criteria and the estimated low pass rate, aspiring traders should approach the FTMO Challenge with thorough preparation. Many successful traders recommend rigorous back-testing of trading strategies, continual learning, and even mentorship as ways to increase one's odds of passing.

Tips to Pass the FTMO Challenge

Successfully navigating the FTMO Challenge necessitates an integration of refined trading acumen, stringent discipline, and calculated risk management. Below are some expanded and enhanced tips to elevate your probability of passing the challenge:

Select the Right Challenge

Before even setting foot in the trading arena, ensure that you opt for a challenge that aligns closely with your trading style, asset preferences, and risk tolerance. FTMO offers a variety of challenge parameters; the key is to pick one that complements your strengths and strategies.

Craft a Solid Trading Plan

Developing and meticulously testing a robust trading strategy is crucial. Use historical data for back-testing and even consider paper trading to gauge the effectiveness of your approach. The strategy should not only target high-probability setups but also incorporate fail-safes for risk mitigation.

Abide by FTMO Guidelines

FTMO sets forth specific rules and risk management parameters for a reason—they’re the backbone of profitable, sustainable trading. Adherence to these guidelines is non-negotiable and is closely monitored during the challenge.

Exhibit Patience and Discipline

Impulsive trading driven by emotions can be your worst enemy. Maintain a disciplined approach to your trading activities. Be patient enough to wait for the high-probability setups that your trading strategy identifies, and avoid the pitfalls of overtrading or over-leveraging your account.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional management goes hand in hand with trading discipline. Markets can be erratic, evoking a spectrum of emotions like greed, fear, and frustration. Mastering emotional resilience helps you make rational decisions under stress, contributing to a consistent performance.

Maintain a Detailed Trading Journal

Keeping a comprehensive trading journal can be transformative. It helps you document your trades, strategies, emotions, and outcomes. Regularly reviewing this journal provides valuable insights into your trading habits, illuminating both strengths to capitalize on and weaknesses to rectify.

Implement Money Management Principles

Emotional management goes hand in hand with trading discipline. Markets can be erratic, evoking a spectrum of emotions like greed, fear, and frustration. Mastering emotional resilience helps you make rational decisions under stress, contributing to a consistent performance.

Continual Learning and Market Analysis

Stay abreast of market conditions, economic indicators, and news events that could impact your trades. Informed trading is successful trading. Subscribe to relevant newsletters, keep an eye on market analytics, and consider using technical indicators to confirm or disprove your trading intuitions.

Relentless Commitment

Even if you falter on your first attempt, remember that perseverance is key. Treat every failure as a lesson learned and an opportunity for refinement. The FTMO Challenge is not just a one-off event but a stepping stone in your trading career.

What is the Best FTMO Challenge Passing Strategy?

Successfully completing the FTMO Challenge hinges on a harmonious blend of preparation, strategy, and discipline. Here’s an advanced guide to formulating the most effective strategy for passing the challenge:

Pick the Challenge Tailored for You

FTMO provides a range of challenges, each varying in timeframes, profit targets, and maximum drawdown allowances. The best challenge for you is the one that dovetails with your trading experience, risk tolerance, and market preferences. Remember, the ideal challenge should not just be passable but should enable you to thrive and demonstrate your full trading prowess.

Leverage Risk Management Tools

A crucial facet of any effective trading strategy is robust risk management. Utilize tools like stop-loss orders, take-profit levels, and position sizing to not just limit losses but also to lock in profits. These techniques reduce the impact of negative trades and enhance the effectiveness of profitable ones.

Stress Test Your Strategy

Once your strategy is formulated, subject it to stress tests under various market conditions. How does it fare during high-volatility events or market downturns? This allows you to gauge its robustness and make necessary adjustments before you engage with the FTMO Challenge.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Keep refining your strategy as you go along. Learning is a never-ending process in trading. Stay updated with market news, emerging tools, and, if possible, seek mentorship from traders who have successfully navigated the FTMO Challenge before.

Begin with a Demo Account

Before jumping into the high-stakes environment of the FTMO Challenge, a demo account serves as your practice arena. Use it to fine-tune your trading strategy, uncover blind spots, and accustom yourself to the trading platform. This stage is not just about strategy testing but also about building the psychological resilience needed for live trading.

Build a Multifaceted, Profitable Strategy

Developing a strategy with a high success rate is vital, but it’s equally important that the strategy is versatile. Markets are dynamic; thus, your strategy should be agile enough to adapt. Incorporate both technical and fundamental analysis into your approach. While technical indicators may guide you on entry and exit points, understanding fundamental indicators can offer a broader view of market trends.

Build a Multifaceted, Profitable Strategy

Developing a strategy with a high success rate is vital, but it’s equally important that the strategy is versatile. Markets are dynamic; thus, your strategy should be agile enough to adapt. Incorporate both technical and fundamental analysis into your approach. While technical indicators may guide you on entry and exit points, understanding fundamental indicators can offer a broader view of market trends.

Emotional and Psychological Preparation

Often overlooked but immensely important is the psychological aspect of trading. Mindfulness techniques, visualization exercises, and even pre-trade routines can equip you to manage stress and make more rational decisions when trading.

Keep an Eye on the Clock

Each FTMO Challenge has a specific timeframe within which you must hit your profit targets. Time management is vital—don’t rush to meet targets, but also don’t lag to the point where you need to take unnecessary risks to catch up.

Who Can Help You Pass the FTMO Challenge?

The FTMO Challenge is designed to be a rigorous evaluation of your trading aptitude, discipline, and risk management skills. While no service can provide a 100% guarantee of success, there are various avenues for preparation and improvement that can substantially increase your chances of passing. Below are some highly recommended options:

By carefully evaluating these factors, you can confidently select a managed forex account that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. Each element is a piece of the puzzle that, when put together, will provide a clear picture of the reliability and profitability of the managed forex account you’re considering.

Common Mistakes Traders Make While Attempting the FTMO Challenge

The FTMO Challenge offers traders an excellent opportunity to showcase their skills and earn a funded trading account. However, many traders often fall short due to some common mistakes. Understanding these pitfalls and how to avoid them can significantly increase your chances of success.


The Mistake: Traders often make the mistake of overtrading, thinking that the more trades they place, the higher the likelihood of meeting the profit target. The Solution: Focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to place a few well-thought-out trades than to trade impulsively. Follow your trading plan and maintain discipline to avoid this common mistake.

Ignoring Risk Management

The Mistake: Traders sometimes underestimate the importance of risk management, focusing solely on profits, which can lead to severe losses. The Solution: Always use stop-loss orders and only risk a small percentage of the trading account on any single trade. Stick to the risk management guidelines provided by FTMO to safeguard your chances of passing the challenge.

Lack of a Trading Plan

The Mistake: Entering the challenge without a concrete trading plan can result in an erratic trading strategy and emotional decision-making. The Solution: Before attempting the challenge, develop a comprehensive trading plan that outlines your trading strategy, risk management techniques, and exit criteria. Stick to this plan throughout the challenge.

Emotional Trading

The Mistake: Traders often make the mistake of overtrading, thinking that the more trades they place, the higher the likelihood of meeting the profit target. The Solution: Focus on quality over quantity. It’s better to place a few well-thought-out trades than to trade impulsively. Follow your trading plan and maintain discipline to avoid this common mistake.

Lack of Market Analysis

The Mistake: Some traders may neglect proper market analysis and rely on gut feeling or speculative news. The Solution: Utilize both technical and fundamental analysis to make educated trading decisions. Make sure to be aware of major news events that could impact the market and adjust your trading strategy accordingly.

Poor Time Management

The Mistake: Procrastinating and then rushing to meet the profit targets as the deadline of the challenge approaches can result in hastily made decisions and increased risk. The Solution: Manage your time wisely. Break down the total profit target into smaller, manageable goals and aim to achieve them consistently over the duration of the challenge.

Disregarding Trading Costs

The Mistake: Ignoring trading costs like spreads and commissions can eat into your profits and make it more challenging to reach your profit targets. The Solution: Always account for trading costs in your trading plan. Some trading platforms, like Forex92, offer competitive fees and trading conditions that can help you manage your trading costs more effectively.

Failure to Adapt

The Mistake: Sticking to a failing strategy without making any adjustments can result in a continual loss. The Solution: Be flexible and willing to adapt your strategy based on performance and changing market conditions. Keep an eye on your performance metrics and be prepared to tweak your approach if necessary.

Software and Tools Recommended for the FTMO Challenge

Passing the FTMO Challenge requires more than just trading skills and market intuition; you also need the right set of tools to assist you. Utilizing a combination of software and analytical tools can make your trading more effective, helping you meet profit targets while adhering to the challenge’s risk management guidelines. Here is a comprehensive list of recommended software and tools:

MetaTrader 4/5 (MT4/5)

The MetaTrader platform is a favorite among traders for its user-friendly interface and powerful features. Forex92 and many other services are compatible with MT4/5, which offers technical indicators, charting tools, and automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs).


Known for its intuitive interface and advanced charting tools, cTrader is another reliable platform, especially for those who prefer a more modern interface.


Offered by TD Ameritrade, this platform is ideal for traders who also want to engage in options and stock trading.


This web-based platform offers robust charting tools, social networking, and the option to backtest strategies. It provides various timeframes and indicators, helping traders make informed decisions.


This tool scans market patterns and offers trading ideas based on technical analysis, which can be particularly helpful for traders who prefer a more automated approach to charting.

Fibonacci Retracement Tools

Whether standalone software or part of a larger platform, these tools can help traders identify potential support and resistance levels.


This is an online automated analytical tool for tracking, comparing, analyzing and sharing your trading activity and strategies. It can help you understand your trading habits, helping you to improve.

Forex Factory Calendar

Keeping an eye on upcoming economic events is crucial. The Forex Factory Calendar provides a comprehensive list of global economic events that might affect currency values.


Offers real-time exchange rates, charts, and an economic calendar, as well as market analysis and news that can be crucial for making informed trading decisions.

Position Size Calculator

This tool can help you determine the optimal position size based on your risk tolerance, helping to manage your capital effectively.

Stop Loss/Take Profit Calculators

These tools can automate the process of setting appropriate stop-loss and take-profit levels, making risk management more efficient.


A trading journal that allows you to track and analyze your trades, recognize your weaknesses, and improve your trading strategy.


This journaling tool not only allows you to document your trades but also to import your trading history, making it easier to review and analyze your performance.


This is especially useful for traders who prefer automated trading. ZuluTrade allows you to copy the strategies of successful traders.

EA Builders

For those who have a strategy but lack programming skills, EA Builders can help create custom Expert Advisors for MetaTrader platforms.


This tool can aggregate news from multiple sources, helping you stay up to date with market developments.

Benzinga Pro

Real-time news and data service that can provide you with the latest market-moving stories.

The Psychological Aspect of Trading

The psychological aspect of trading is often underestimated, yet it’s a crucial component that can significantly impact performance. Trading is not just about strategies, algorithms, or market knowledge; it’s also about managing emotions and maintaining a disciplined mindset. Below are some of the common mental and emotional challenges traders face and how to cope with them.

Mental and Emotional Challenges


After a few successful trades, traders may become overconfident, which can lead to risky behavior like overleveraging or ignoring key indicators.



Whether it's the fear of losing money or the fear of missing out (FOMO), this emotion can cause traders to make impulsive decisions.


After a few successful trades, traders may become overconfident, which can lead to risky behavior like overleveraging or ignoring key indicators.


raders may dwell on "should-haves" and "could-haves," which can affect their focus and decision-making in future trades.

Analysis Paralysis

Being overwhelmed by too much information or too many choices can lead to inaction, causing traders to miss out on profitable opportunities.

Stress and Burnout

Trading can be stressful, especially when sustaining losses. Prolonged stress can lead to burnout and impaired decision-making.

Mental and Emotional Challenges

Develop a Trading Plan

A well-thought-out plan provides a solid foundation that can bring stability and rationality to your trading activities.


Risk Management

Never risk more than you can afford to lose. Knowing your exit strategy in advance can remove emotional decision-making during trades.

Stay Disciplined

Stick to your trading strategy and resist the temptation to deviate based on emotions.

Practice Mindfulness

Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or even short breaks can help clear your mind and improve focus.

Set Realistic Goals

Unrealistic expectations can lead to excessive risk-taking. Make sure your goals are achievable and aligned with your risk tolerance.

Keep a Trading Journal

Record not just your trades but also your emotions and thought processes. Reviewing this journal can provide insights into any emotional patterns affecting your trading.

Exercises for Psychological Well-Being

By being aware of the psychological aspects of trading and taking steps to manage them, you can improve not only your well-being but also your decision-making skills on the trading floor. Services like Forex92 can provide additional support in strategy and risk management, but a balanced psychological state is something only the trader can bring to the table.

Post-Challenge Career Path

Successfully passing the FTMO Challenge opens doors to a multitude of career opportunities in the trading world. Not only do you gain access to a funded trading account, but you also establish credibility and a track record that can serve you well in various professional capacities. Here’s a look at the potential career paths and some tips on how to manage your funded account successfully.

Career Opportunities

Tips on Managing Your Funded Account Successfully

Adhere to Guidelines

Make sure you fully understand and comply with all FTMO guidelines, including risk management rules, drawdown limits, and other criteria. Non-compliance can result in losing your funded account.

Consistency is Key

What helped you pass the challenge will likely aid you in real trading scenarios. Stick to your tested trading strategies.

Regular Monitoring

Use analytics and performance metrics to evaluate your trading regularly. Make adjustments as needed but avoid knee-jerk reactions based on temporary setbacks.


Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your trading portfolio can help mitigate risks and improve your chances of long-term profitability.

Professional Development

The trading world is ever-evolving. Keep updating your skills, understanding of the market, and trading strategies. Attend workshops, webinars, and training sessions to stay ahead.

Community and Networking

Engage with other traders and financial professionals to exchange insights, strategies, and industry best practices. The right connections can provide early access to valuable market information and opportunities.

Financial Management

Just as you have risk management for your trading, have a solid plan for your earnings. Whether it's reinvestment, savings, or diversification, smart financial planning is critical for sustained success.

Customer Support

Make use of the customer support and mentorship provided by the proprietary firm. If you're trading with FTMO, they offer extensive support and educational resources that can help you manage your funded account more efficiently.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Navigating the legal and ethical landscape of proprietary trading is essential for maintaining not just your credibility but also your career longevity. If you’re trading with a proprietary firm like FTMO, you will be subject to specific rules, regulations, and ethical guidelines. Here are some key points to consider:

Legal Considerations

Terms and Conditions

Before you start the FTMO Challenge or engage in any trading activities with a proprietary firm, thoroughly review the terms and conditions. This will help you understand the rules, obligations, and potential penalties you might face.


Regulatory compliance is non-negotiable in proprietary trading. Make sure you're aware of any legal regulations that apply to your trading activities, whether they're specific to your country or to international trading.


Use analytics and performance metrics to evaluate your trading regularly. Make adjustments as needed but avoid knee-jerk reactions based on temporary setbacks.

Tax Obligations

Depending on your jurisdiction, profits earned from trading may be subject to taxes. It's advisable to consult a tax professional to understand your obligations.

Intellectual Property

If you are developing algorithms or other trading tools while associated with a proprietary firm, understand who retains ownership of this intellectual property.

Dispute Resolution

Be aware of the legal pathways for resolving disputes. Typically, proprietary firms will outline dispute resolution mechanisms, often involving arbitration, in their contracts.


Always maintain a high level of honesty when reporting trades, sharing results, or engaging in any activities that involve the firm's capital.


Proprietary firms may share sensitive data or trading strategies. Never misuse this information or disclose it to unauthorized third parties.

Market Manipulation

Any forms of market manipulation, like front-running or pump-and-dump schemes, are strictly prohibited and unethical.

Full Disclosure

If you're trading in multiple capacities (for instance, personally and for a firm), full disclosure may be legally required. Non-disclosure can lead to conflicts of interest.

Fair Play

Treat other traders and market participants with respect. Ethical trading ensures that the market remains a level playing field for everyone involved.


This extends to the ethical consideration of what and how you trade. Some traders opt to avoid instruments or companies that don't align with their values, such as those harming the environment or engaging in unfair labor practices.


You're not just responsible for your own actions but also for staying informed about the ethical implications of the financial products you're trading. This is particularly relevant for complex derivatives and other financial products that may have broader economic implications.

How to Get Started: A Step-By-Step Guide to Registering for the FTMO Challenge

Taking the FTMO Challenge can be a pivotal moment in your trading career, providing you with the opportunity to trade with significant capital and benefit from professional resources. However, it’s crucial to get off on the right foot, and that begins with the registration process. Here’s a detailed step-by-step guide on how to register for the FTMO Challenge:

Step 1: Research and Self-Assessment

Research and Self-Assessment

Before you even register, take the time to do some research. Familiarize yourself with FTMO's program offerings, terms and conditions, and the structure of the challenge itself. Assess your own trading skills, strategy, and risk tolerance to determine if you're ready for the challenge.

Visit the FTMO Website

Navigate to the FTMO website. Spend some time exploring their offerings, understanding their different challenge programs, their rules, and the rewards of passing the challenge.

Choose a Challenge Program

FTMO offers various challenge programs tailored to different trading styles and levels of risk tolerance. Consider factors like timeframes, profit targets, and maximum drawdowns when choosing the challenge that suits you the most.

Register for an Account

Click on the "Sign Up" or "Register" button typically located at the top right corner of the website. You'll be prompted to fill out an application form.

Complete the Application Form

Enter the required details in the application form. This usually includes personal information, trading experience, and your preferred trading platform. Make sure all the information is accurate to avoid any issues later.

Select Payment Method and Pay the Evaluation Fee

Choose a payment method that you're comfortable with. Options usually include credit/debit cards, bank transfers, or online payment services like PayPal. Pay the one-time evaluation fee associated with the challenge you've chosen.

Confirm Your Registration

After your payment is processed, you should receive a confirmation email. This email usually contains important information like login credentials for the challenge platform.

Login to the Challenge Platform

Use the login details sent to your email to access the challenge platform. This is where you'll conduct your trades for the duration of the challenge.

Familiarize Yourself with the Trading Environment

Before you start trading, familiarize yourself with the platform’s interface, tools, and resources. Most platforms offer a range of analytical tools, so spend some time getting comfortable with these.

Monitor Your Performance

Keep an eye on your performance metrics. Many platforms offer real-time analytics, so use these tools to adjust your strategy as needed.

Complete the Challenge

Strive to meet the profit targets and adhere to the risk management rules. Once the challenge is over, you'll undergo a performance review to determine if you're eligible for a funded account.

Await Results and Next Steps

If you pass the challenge, you’ll be given details about the next steps, including the onboarding process for your funded account.

Review and Sign Agreements

If you've successfully completed the challenge, you'll likely have to review and sign some legal agreements before you can start trading with FTMO's capital.

Begin Your Trading Journey with a Funded Account

Congratulations, you are now eligible to trade using a funded account! Maintain your performance and adhere to FTMO's risk management rules to continue your trading journey. By carefully following these steps and preparing adequately, you're positioning yourself for the best chance of success in the FTMO Challenge. Good luck!

FAQ About the FTMO Challenge

  • Q: What is the FTMO Challenge?
  • Q: How much does it cost to participate in the FTMO Challenge?
  • Q: What are the main benefits of passing the FTMO Challenge?
  • Q: What happens if I fail the challenge?
  • Q: What trading platforms can I use for the challenge?
  • Q: Are there any trading restrictions during the challenge?
  • Q: Can I trade any asset class in the challenge?
  • Q: Is scalping allowed in the FTMO Challenge?
  • Q: What is the typical duration of the FTMO Challenge?
  • Q: How soon can I receive a funded account after passing the challenge?
  • Q: What percentage of the profits do I get to keep?
  • Q: Is it possible to take the challenge more than once?

A: The FTMO Challenge is an evaluation program offered by the proprietary trading firm FTMO. The challenge is designed to test traders on their ability to hit specified profit targets within a set timeframe, all while adhering to strict risk management guidelines. Successful traders are then offered a funded account to trade with FTMO's capital.

A: The cost varies depending on the challenge you select, but it typically involves a one-time evaluation fee. The fee can range from $155 to $610, based on the account size you select. It's important to check the FTMO website for the most current pricing.

A: Successful traders are offered a funded account, professional trading platform access, mentorship from experienced traders, and a share in the profits generated from their trading, among other benefits.

A: If you fail the challenge, you will lose the opportunity to manage a funded FTMO account. You may, however, attempt the challenge again by paying another evaluation fee.

A: FTMO generally allows traders to use MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), or the proprietary FTMO platform. Some challenges may have specific platform requirements, so be sure to check beforehand.

A: Yes, FTMO imposes certain risk management rules like a maximum daily loss limit, maximum position sizes, and a maximum drawdown limit. Always make sure to read the rules carefully before participating.

A: This depends on the specific challenge and its rules. Generally, you can trade Forex, indices, commodities, and certain cryptocurrencies. Always check the allowed asset classes for your particular challenge.

A: Scalping is generally permitted in the FTMO Challenge, but it's advisable to read the specific terms and conditions related to your chosen challenge.

A: The duration can vary but is usually around 30 to 60 days. Some challenges offer more flexible timelines, so be sure to review this before registering.

A: If you successfully complete the challenge, you'll undergo a verification process. After that, you could receive your funded account details within a few business days.

A: Profit-sharing arrangements can differ, but traders typically keep 70% to 80% of the profits they generate with the funded account.

A: Yes, you can take the challenge multiple times if you fail on your first or subsequent attempts. However, you'll need to pay the evaluation fee each time you retake the challenge.