Trading forex and becoming rich overnight might seems a nightmare coming true. People sometimes resist investing in forex fearing the fact that they are going to lose their investment in all of a sudden. However, that’s not true. Investment in forex can be very profitable if done wisely. You need to have some previous trading experience and the basic market knowledge to trade forex safely. However, if you have no idea as to how to trade forex than surely managed forex accounts can work great for you. With managed forex account you can not only overcome the prerequisite limitations but also generate a quick source of cash every month. All you need is to sign up with a company offering managed forex accounts. In this piece, we debrief how you can find a reliable company offering funds management solutions.
What Is Mean By Managed Forex Account?
Managed forex accounts are profit-oriented accounts which are funded by investors and managed by professional trading experts. These accounts are usually opened by inexperienced traders or investors having no time to trade themselves. Managed forex accounts involve a contract between both parties concerning the profit sharing ratio as well as the authorization of using clients’ MT4 login credentials. Since managed forex accounts are managed by industry experts, therefore, investors do not need to have previous trading experience. A management fee is usually settled by sharing profit with fund managers.
How To Open A Managed Forex Account?
Managed forex accounts can be opened as soon as you are done locating a reliable source offering managed forex accounts services. What we mean to say is that there are a number of companies and brokers offering managed forex account services these days, unfortunately, a lot of them are good for nothing. They are only concerned with clients’ deposits and doesn’t pay any heed afterward. So you must be very careful with your investment and make sure that the company you are going to sign up with is legitimate.
Is It legal To Open A Managed Forex Account In Switzerland?
Yes, signing up for a managed forex account is perfectly fine in Switzerland as long as it is opened with a company which has obtained a permit from the Swiss government to operate within the country. The government seems to have strict regulatory measures in place concerning forex trading in order to avoid any financial irregularities. In Switzerland, the “FINMA” takes cares of all matters relating to the forex world.
What Is “FINMA”?
The FINMA (Financial Market Supervisory Authority) is the regulatory body which is responsible to regulate all entities dealing in forex in Switzerland. The organization designs rules and regulations for all concerned entities and keeps reviewing the need of amendment in regulations from time to time. The FINMA also requires forex brokers to produce compliance certificates each year in order to continue working within the state.
Where to Look For Reliable Company Offering Managed Forex Accounts
The internet can be the best place to look for a reliable company. All you need is to use a computer or a mobile device connected to the internet. By stroking in your keywords in the search bar of a search engine, you may find hundreds of links to various fund management companies. Ideally, the company regulated by some prestigious regulatory body should be chosen to sign up for a managed forex account. Companies which are not regulated are likely to be less safe as compared to regulated one such as forex92.
What Is Forex92?
Forex92 is one of the best funds management companies available around. The company was established in 2014 and is based in Limassol Cyprus with its sub-offices located worldwide. Forex92 offers multiple investment solutions to its clients all across the globe including investment analysis and portfolio management, working capital management, forex signals, and managed forex accounts. The company has a team of expert forex professionals with years of working experience in the same field. Forex92 is specialized in offering managed forex accounts with consistent monthly returns. At times, there are three types of managed forex accounts being offered by the company including personal, business and a crypto managed account. More details about these accounts can be found here
How To Get Started With Forex92?
Getting started with forex92 is as easy as following a few steps mentioned below;
- Go to using a web browser of your PC
- Click managed forex accounts and select your account type
- Select your favorite broker from the list of available brokers once you are done filling up your details on the sign-up page
- Deposit funds in your account as per required by your selected account type
- Share the screenshot of your funded account with the company using the company’s online contact form
- Sign off a written agreement with the company concerning profit allocation
- Share your MT4 details with the company
That’s it.
Customer Services
Forex92 offers excellent multilingual customer services to its clients 24/7. The company has a team of professional customer support staff which stays readily available to assist clients round the clock. Clients can talk to the company’s representative via telephone at +357-25123308. Emails can also be generated to the email address Customers can also raise their concerns online using the web chat feature accessible at
Final Words
After a careful review, we hereby conclude the forex92 is simply an exception to offer profit oriented low cost managed forex accounts. It’s the best company available around that investors can sign with full confidence in hope of consistent monthly returns. The company works in collaboration with the world’s top-rated brokers and protects clients both personal and financial information using modern precautionary tools and procedures. We suggest people should give it a try.